Showing posts with label Donir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donir. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The city of Midrod -part 2

Part 2 (Part 1)

The trio waited silently in the dark basement. They heard when the outer wall of the building crumbled to bits and pieces. From the they could see how a large portion of the houses ceiling fell down, crushing everything on the floor above them, the room they were in became pitch dark. They waited in silence, as the noises of stone crumbling and woodbeams breaking continued. The beast seemed to be determined to ”meet” them, and the sounds indicated that it was removing wreckage between it and them.
Suddenly the trio saw a ray of light. A shadow and a large noise later, the opening grew to a large hole, bursting with sunlight at them. Then suddenly the light become blocked again, not by wreckage, but by a silhouette of the beast. Myrosi seemed to see a large eye staring at them for a moment. This was followed by much noise and movement. But the sounds and noises faded away, indicating that the beast was moving away from them. Awhile later the room stood all silent. No growling, no crumbling of stone, nothing to indicate of the large presence that had visited them.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Withering

     From where the wide Uon slows down over the lowland to the coast where it washes out into the Sea of Donir there is nothing but inhospitable marshlands as far as one can see. In all of southern Donir, from Ferman Forest in the west to the eastern reaches of Ohren's Plains everyone has heard tales of strange inhabitants living deep inside the mazes of waterways and swamps. Most call them the Withering, for it is said that they are the remains of some ancient evil created by Eri-Ogori himself before he disappeared from Romesia.

      When travelling these lands one will hear storytellers speak of heroes of old and their encounters with these creatures, but most of all the stories of Ohren himself.