Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunting. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2015

the Darkness of Khmol'ze Pt. 1

Our story begins, as every good story should, in a place far away, actually you have most likely never heard about it, a village far up in the highlands. Right by the mountains rests the small village called Gimni, by the villagers and That-Place-Where-Our-Iron-Comes-From by the proud family of Befverhanskenhjelm who owns most of the mines around Gimni. This is where we find our first actor, Sir Gregory II Befverhanskenhjelm's eldest son, Leopold Befverhanskenhjelm, sent to That-Place-Where-Our-Iron-Comes-From by his father to learn to look after the family's business (and to teach his no-good son what the world looks like outside their estate down by Uinford).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The cursed cave

“You will die today!” A voice echoed in Fenoam's mind. He was sitting in a pitch dark cave, leaning against a rock, barely breathing. It had begun as an ordinary day, and an ordinary hunting trip. He had hit a deer, but his aim had been a bit off and the wounded game ran into a cave. A cave that was regarded as cursed by many in Fenoam's village. There were rumours that those who had gone in there returned insane, or they hadn't returned at all. But Fenoam had considered the rumours as nonsense, nothing more than fairy tales to scare children from going into the cave, protecting them from cave-ins and such. So, without a second thought he went inside.