Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another short update

With four empty months behind us I feel we owe you another status update. First of all I wish to thank, and apologize to, all you who come here every month in hope of finding a new story from the realms of Helitheren. Seeing the number of daily visitors skyrocket around the 20th each month is truly a motivator for the two of us in this period where writing essays takes up most of our time to push through and always try to get the finishing touches to the stories at hand in time for the next 20th.

There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel, summer is coming. This does not mean I will have the whole summer to write for you guys as I will be studying some over the summer months, but it does mean I will still have a lot more time than I have right now.

With that said I do believe June will bring another story for you.


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